Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's a bathtub/fish pond/ raccoon feeding station.

Keeping with an Ozark stereotype that if we have a bathtub, it may not actually be in the house, we turned this tub into something we thought was more interesting (to avoid taking it to the dump). For a while, some really fancy and expensive fish liked it. Later the local raccoon liked the fish. So, now only the racoon bathes here. Even a welded wire frame didn't stop his nightly raids. So, at present, we are without fish. But we have a nice fat raccoon.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Garden 2009.

First trip back from the garden center in Kausik's new car.

The crab apple trees on the street.

And, our modified bathtub.

Molly's bed

Wall hanging was a gift to K from his parents. It's from Digha (SW Bengal, Bay of Bengal side).

Kausik and I made a bed for Molly's room. We both worked on the basic construction, then he stained and finished it. She won't be home until August, K's parents will use her room when they arrive in June. Then, she can move back in to her own room in September, when they go back home to India. Liesel, we do have a place for you... we didn't kick you out!

Molly's new bed

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Allen, Ellie, Laurie.

Carl and Doris's new cow dog, Ellie.

For Molly and Liesel

These spectacular high tech productions are dedicated to Liesel and Molly, who encouraged me to bring doodling on used styrofoam cups to the world's attention. I am now working on world peace. :)

Cup 01-17-08

Cup: Humility 09-14-07


CST (Kansas City/Lincoln), Switzerland, Kolkata India.
So, it's tea time at home and Liesel's probably eating supper, mid-afternoon for Molly, and Kausik's family at home are about to wake up tomorrow morning.

New job.

For those who wonder, "Can't that guy keep a job?", the data indicates, "Yes, he can apparently work in one place for about 5 years, but on Day One, he's probably planning a change."

My new work is as an addictions counselor inside a very secure place. I'm learning a lot. It's what I've wanted to do for a long time, so finally took the step.

There were lots of reasons this was a bad idea. So far, I have ignored them.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Job offer.

I got a job offer today. That's always fun.
As usual, I accepted it. More later.

Sadie stands between the mailbox and house.

Evan's art project

This is a favorite photo by a student named Evan, but i can't find him to ask permission to use it. So, i'm doing it anyway. It speaks volumes. Evan, if you see it and want it down, let me know. Liesel, if you find his contact info, let me know.


old house sketch

Friday, January 9, 2009



Joel, at Agra

Kausik's blog is on Orkut

Kausik is more organized and dedicated to photo albums than I am. So much of Liesel, Molly, my and Kausik's time together is captured better on his site. See his take on American holidays, lots of food photos, and a really weird mix of his musical interests at: