Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Job offer.

I got a job offer today. That's always fun.
As usual, I accepted it. More later.

Sadie stands between the mailbox and house.

Evan's art project

This is a favorite photo by a student named Evan, but i can't find him to ask permission to use it. So, i'm doing it anyway. It speaks volumes. Evan, if you see it and want it down, let me know. Liesel, if you find his contact info, let me know.


old house sketch

Friday, January 9, 2009



Joel, at Agra

Kausik's blog is on Orkut

Kausik is more organized and dedicated to photo albums than I am. So much of Liesel, Molly, my and Kausik's time together is captured better on his site. See his take on American holidays, lots of food photos, and a really weird mix of his musical interests at: http://www.orkut.com/Main#Profile.aspx?rl=fpn&uid=8583519548370134304